The Surprising Skill Your Business is Missing – and Can Be Taught

Would you hire an accountant who didn’t know how to use a ledger? Would you put your trust in a contractor who’d never handled sheetrock? A taxi driver without a license to get behind the wheel?

You get the idea.

So why are you entrusting your company – your best customers, your reputation, your future earnings – to frontline customer service employees who lack empathy and empowerment? An empathetic customer experience from your frontline employees creates loyalty and return business.

The fact is, accounting skills, construction, and driving are all skills that can be taught. And, believe it or not, so are empathetic responses and the good judgement to know what’s right for your customers. Are you holding back your business by not investing in the right customer service hiring and training?

The digital world has redefined customer service as “customer experience.” No matter the size of your company, new technology means that “no more business as usual” is the new normal. Creating customer service excellence is the only standard at play when it comes to staying in business, and while exciting new tools are changing the landscape, your competitive edge will always be your front-line employees

Taking control of your customer experience requires staying on top of what customers expect – and empowering your employees to deliver value that differentiates you from your competitors. You show your customers how much you value their business by providing them with an exemplary customer experience, and by showing them how much you value your employees and entrust them with the power to make the customer happy.

How to improve your customer experience

First, hiring expertise. Our proven methodologies provide you with the processes and knowledge you need to recognize and select the best candidates for the job in the first place. Second, employee engagement. Excellence in customer service takes place when executives and staff are motivated to serve the customer by reinforcing the value each person offers to your organization. Third, training. Customer-facing employees excel when they are given the awareness and tools they need to know when empathy is important and managing the customer experience is critical.

The result is a motivated team with the skills, knowledge, and attitudinal awareness to more effectively manage stress, improve customer service satisfaction, and take advantage of revenue-generating opportunities.

For more information about how to provide cost-effective, high ROI training to your frontline, contact us at

Desander Mas